how to keep fit and healthy paragraph

Make sure that your everyday diet includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and protein. Ways to keep fit include eating healthy … Discover the Importance of India. Lack of... 3 Exercise:. First of all, we should eat a balanced diet. Eat a healthy diet. it is also feeling well both in body and in mind. When you will not go in sport you can get an obesity that is very bad for the health. With your busy routine, eventually makes you forget how important health and implement a healthy … Tips for a healthy and fit body. We wish you all the luck in the world and don’t forget about morning exercises! Avoid alcohol and smoking. Secondly, doing exercise regularly is also a way to stay healthy. Prefer stairs to lift: Lift is an easy option, but stairs are the best way to do a quick warm-up exercise. Go for an early morning jog/walk: Early morning jogging is the best way to catch up with your daily exercise and can also help you to calm your mind. Keeping Fit and Healthy Eat the “right kinds” of foods. A healthy diet alone however is inadequate to ensure a healthy body as physical activity helps to keep … Staying fit is a highly important aspect of our everyday lives, particularly for people with physically demanding jobs. How to keep healthy. Share 2 Keeping fit has become a great concern of a government in recent years. Don’t set yourself up for failure though; make sure your goals are SMART: Proper food selection leads to eating healthy. Share. You can break down the concept of health into different categories. These could include physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral health. To keep healthy is to keep free from disease and anxiety. Avoid fad diets like the plague; to get all the nutrition the human body needs, eat carbs, protein, and fat (yes, even fat!) For gaps 1-7 choose the phrase (a-i) which best fits each gap. According to the World Health Organization, only one in ten people exercise regularly and a majority do not follow a healthy … Paragraph on How to Keep Fit. The following are the ways that can help in maintaining health and fitness: 1. 25. By IMP CENTER. Manage your mental health. People in good health are active, cheerful and happy. As the competition is increasing in every field, staying fit is no more an option, but a choice you have to make to survive in the long race. A lot of people fail to acknowledge the numerous benefits of exercise routines and only begin to do so when health complications arise. Make sure you do at least some form of physical activity. So, keep fit and stay always healthy. Good health is the condition of the disease-free person, and the situation in which the physical health and mental state and the sense of some good. Getting enough sleep is necessary to stay fit and healthy, many of us do not get enough. When it comes to building a healthy lifestyle, it’s easy to concentrate on the physical aspects of health and ignore the mental upkeep. [1] By doing so, you'll have a healthy heart, healthy … For a healthy and fit body you need to keep on doing exercise. Some of the best foods to eat so as to remain fit are vitamins found in vegetables and fruits, proteins found in whole grains and lean meat. Breakfast ,lunch and dinner are meals you can't go without . Share with your friends. These days you will come across every random person who is either talking about staying fit or discussing the journey they will take towards getting fit. Only ONE answer is correct, and there are TWO phrases you DO NOT NEED to use. Health is Wealth A proverb has it that 'Health is Wealth'. We should abide by some rules of health to keep fit. To keep fit and healthy, follow a healthy and balanced diet everyday. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Copyrights. Healthy eating is an important part of your growth and development. Here is a list of things you can do to stay fit and healthy: Start your morning with a hot glass of water with lemon: This detox water will not only give a kick start to your day, but also ensure that you burn a lot of extra calories. No matter what your speed is, walking, jogging and cycling are very important parts of a healthy lifestyle as they are activities that keep your heart and lungs active and your blood flowing. It is absolutely essential to consider that our food has a tangible impact on our physical and mental fitness, our health in general: either we favor a suitable soil for diseases, or we build a solid ground conducive to the development of good health. For instance, you can play volleyball, walk or go swimming every morning. By making healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. … The second paragraph Access to good health needs balanced nutrition for the body: balanced foods and integrated food helps build the body and balanced growth in addition to the maintenance of health, and the basic materials to be addressed are water, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, sugars. When an individual is in good health, he or she is free of any form of bodily pain and therefore needs not take medicine or other health boosting substances. Nowadays, many people consider the best way to keep fit and healthy to be by doing exercises, going on a diet, or using preventative medicine. Making these choices a part of your daily life will help you to reach your health goals. Do some exercise: It can be Yoga, Zumba, and Aerobics or simply by going to the Gym. I do not entirely agree with this view and in this essay, I will discuss some arguments for … In time you will receive the original variant of your paper and will be able to pretend for the perfect mark. Yet another thing that you should better avoid is smoking and drinking. PA is great way to improve health in children. What is the best way to keep fit and healthy? But as a teenager, there are some things you should pay special attention to. Try to maintain good hygiene which will keep all the sickness away from your body. As the competition is increasing in every field, staying fit is no more an option, but a choice you have to make to survive in the long race. Short Paragraph. We should drink plenty of water. Avoid soft drinks or canned fruit juices. The Food Pyramid 6. Do a regular body as well as dental checkups. Balanced nutrition has many benefits. These days you will come across every random person who is either talking about staying fit or discussing the journey they will take towards getting fit. Set daily and weekly goals. Morning gymnastics allows to activate the circulation of blood. The habit to unlimited amount of food is extremely harmful. Exercises also normalize metabolism in our body, which in its turn influence positively all the organs. You are going to read part of an article about how to keep fit, happy and healthy. 5. – Short Paragraph. Eat your meals on time: Skipping meals or eating at random hours can be bad for your health, rather fix a time schedule and stick to it. How to Keep Fit Paragraph; Everyone should abide by some rules of health to keep our body fit. 25. How to stay fit, happy and healthy. Drink a lot of water: It is necessary that you consume sufficient amount of water as it will help you to consume a lesser amount of food. Remember that your mental health is a foundation of your overall health. You can’t improve what you don’t measure. keep fit and healthy Level: intermediate Age: 16-100 Downloads: 194 : Let´s keep fit Level: elementary Age: 10-12 Downloads: 186 : advice : keeping fit Level: intermediate Age: 10-14 Downloads: 159 : Keeping fit Level: advanced Age: 14-17 Downloads: 149 : … Many factors will come across us and can divert us from achieving our goal of being fit and healthy. These days you will come across every random person who is either talking about staying fit or discussing the journey they will take towards getting fit. If you keep fit, it will extend to mood elevation (hưng phấn) and greater mental alertness (tỉnh táo), as well as reduce chronic disease risk (nguy cơ mắc bệnh kinh niên). If you are ignoring my advice, then you are … There are four aspects of good health: mental health… The bustle of the hectic work often raises the physical fatigue and make the mind to stress. Maintain your healthy weight and make sure it is under control. Dineshkumar976-iw16 Even if you just get out for a walk a few times a week, exercise is important in your daily routine to stay fit and healthy according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for … Firstly, you should have a balanced diet and good nutrition. Doing the daily exercise for at least 30 minutes. Conclusion. There is no... 2 Get enough sleep:. There is a long list of health benefits of physical fitness, but to take those benefits you have to work hard to achieve your fitness goal. To stay fit physically eat between 3-5 meals day . Short Paragraph on Health and Fitness. It is unacceptable due to several reasons. Mental healthy is just as important as physical healthy . Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, a variety of protein foods, and low-fat dairy products. Why then is it important to stay fit? Physically Fit & Healthy Body gives Long Life. 10 Ways to Keep Fit and Live Healthy. Seven sentences are incomplete. These include heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Staying fit and healthy is a top priority for many people but there are still some of us that struggle to keep in tiptop condition, and this could be affecting long-term health. Regular exercises will help you burn excess body fat and keep your body lean. Good health refers to the state of not being unwell. To make your body physically fit, you’ve to take proper nutrition and do exercises along with good sleep. For example, you should drink a lot of water. It’s important to manage and asses your feelings on … A healthy diet alone however is inadequate to ensure a healthy body as physical activity helps to keep one in shape and free of sickness and disease. Life is short, but a healthy body can make it longer, more active, productive and fulfilling. Exercise regularly. But you should be having strong self discipline and will power to achieve this healthy and fit … Physical health: Taking care of your body. As the competition is increasing in every field, staying fit is no more an option, but a choice you have to make to survive in the long race. Because a … Setting daily and weekly goals will keep you on track and aware of your improvement. Make changes one at a time, and don't make too many changes at once or you will risk relapsing into old habits. A healthy lifestyle means maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet as well as engaging in sports or other fitness related activities. Indeed, to keep fit, it is essential to look at what is ingested three times a day minimum. You should get rid of it if you want to lead healthy lifestyle and to keep your health till the old age. It can help treat depression, osteopo… Set daily and weekly goals You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Last but not least, you should take enough sleep. If you need to keep your knees strong or have body aches and pains, then cycling may be a better solution. at every meal. A healthy diet can help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol, as well.Get regular exercise.Exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and colon cancer. By IMP CENTER. People should keep to the following principle: "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" What and how much people eat is also a great importance. Keep your hands clean regularly because many diseases can attack your body though you hands. Scheduling exercise as a family activity and including game breaks in the middle will keep children engaged and attentive. They have been encouraging the working population to live a healthy life using advertisement on the mass media and giving school recognition for keeping the obesity level of their student down. 2. I want a paragraph on "how to keep healthy & fit . Don’t overdo on sweets: Consumption of sweets is fine until the time you are having it in small quantity. Ways to keep fit include eating healthy food, exercising and avoiding harmful substances in the body. There is a long list of health benefits of physical fitness, but to take those benefits you have to work hard to achieve your fitness goal. At first we must be careful of our food and drink. Six Food Groups 7. Eat foods that have less oil, since too much oil can increase cholesterol levels which is harmful to the body. Conclusion. Just tell us the task and wait a little. Use the “food pyramid” as a guide to good eating. Good health is proper functioning of all body organs. 7 ways to stay fit and healthy 1 Regular Check-ups:. We must eat a balanced diet because a balanced diet contains all the food values. 3. Sleep about 7-8 hours every night , don't sleep too much or too little . Maintain healthy eating habits. WAYS TO KEEP YOUR BODY HEALTHY. Burning of excess fat. More important, you can live your full life, when you are fit and healthy. Moreover, doing exercise will help you stronger, more active and prevent a lot of diseases. That helps in very big degree to keep our body strong and healthy, and mind fresh. How to keep fit and healthy? How to keep fit and healthy? There are many ways to keep your body fit. There are things any person can do to stay healthy in these areas. A healthy body not only contributes to a more active, productive and fulfilling life, but can also add years to your life. In order to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle, it's important to have some sort of consistency when looking at the big picture result. The first paragraph. One should get annual physical check up to make sure everything is as it should be. Eat healthy.What you eat is closely linked to your health. Do exercise , you can't live without it . Eat three “balanced meals” each day. It is … Setting daily and weekly goals will keep … Short Paragraph on Health and Fitness. Keeping fit is engaging your body in activities that maintain it in good condition in terms of health as well as physical appearance. How To Stay Healthy Essay. Our body is continually wasting and needs to be repaired by fresh substance that's why food should be taken with due regard to the exercise and waste of the body. When your body has a strong immune system to combat health problems, your risk of developing eye problems, arthritis and chronic diseases like cancer, Type 2 … How to Keep Fit and healthy – Live the daily work activities often makes the body easily tired and prone to illness. Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta 8. It ensures that an individual is able to live longer contrary to how sicknesses can cut short the lives of people. Teens should be physically active at least 60 minutes of every day. In order to function effectively in any and everything you do, you need optimal physical health. Short Paragraph. It is very important to keep fit and stay healthy. Share. It can be also in the form of outdoor sports. To make your body physically fit… Keeping fit is engaging your body in activities that maintain it in good condition in terms of health as well as physical appearance. Choose “healthful” snacks to eat. Physically Fit & Healthy Body gives Long Life. Good health is important because it brings happiness as there is no bodily pain that would have otherwise be the cause for anguish. How to keep our environment clean? It gives us charge of energy for the whole day. You should cut down on red meat, junk foods, caffeine, and sugar intake. When in good health, you are able to save money which would have o… Healthy lifestyle is movement and physical exercises.

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