Competence in scrutinising and amending legislation is shared between the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, while executive tasks are performed by the European Commission and in a limited capacity by the European Council (not to be confused with the aforementioned Council of the European Union). [263], Since the beginning of the 1990s, the CAP has been subject to a series of reforms. [153], The EU had an agreed budget of €120.7 billion for the year 2007 and €864.3 billion for the period 2007–2013,[155] representing 1.10% and 1.05% of the EU-27's GNI forecast for the respective periods. In 2010 the estimated network covers: 75,200 kilometres (46,700 mi) of roads; 78,000 kilometres (48,000 mi) of railways; 330 airports; 270 maritime harbours; and 210 internal harbours.[256][257]. In some areas the EU enjoys exclusive competence. [110], The EU has no formal connection to any religion. Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, the sign of union. These are areas in which member states have renounced any capacity to enact legislation. [320][321] ARTE is a public Franco-German TV network that promotes programming in the areas of culture and the arts. The eurozone (constituted by the EU member states which have adopted the euro) has since grown to 19 countries. The EU uses foreign relations instruments like the European Neighbourhood Policy which seeks to tie those countries to the east and south of the European territory of the EU to the Union. They also signed another pact creating the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for co-operation in developing nuclear energy. [210], EU forces have been deployed on peacekeeping missions from middle and northern Africa to the western Balkans and western Asia. More than half (56%) of EU citizens are able to engage in a conversation in a language other than their mother tongue. Elle n'entra cependant en vigueur que dix ans plus tard, le 1er juillet 1968[1]. This system has been criticised for under-cutting farmers outside Europe, especially those in the developing world. These countries, primarily developing countries, include some who seek to one day become either a member state of the European Union, or more closely integrated with the European Union. It shares with the Council of the EU equal legislative powers to amend, approve or reject Commission proposals for most areas of EU legislation. Such regions are primarily located in the states of central and southern Europe. While both can legislate, member states can only legislate to the extent to which the EU has not. Centre for European Policy Studies. In 2009, the EU had an estimated Muslim population of 13 million,[114] and an estimated Jewish population of over a million. Examples of such alliances include the Visegrad Group, Benelux, the Baltic Assembly, the New Hanseatic League, the Weimar Triangle, the Lublin Triangle, EU Med Group and the Craiova Group. Its role was recognized in three major UN summits on sustainable development: the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, South Africa; and the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in Rio de Janeiro. [h][101] In 2012, English was the most widely spoken language in the EU, being understood by 51% of the EU population when counting both native and non-native speakers. [212] Frontex is an agency of the EU established to manage the cooperation between national border guards securing its external borders. Demographic transition to a society of aging population, low fertility-rates and depopulation of non-metropolitan regions is tackled within this policies. The European Council should not be mistaken for the Council of Europe, an international organisation independent of the EU based in Strasbourg. [267] The euro area unemployment rate was 8.1%. The following timeline outlines the legal inception of the European Union (EU)—the principal framework for this unification. Signing the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a condition for EU membership. However, following the UK's exit from the block in early 2020 the percentage of the EU population who spoke English as their native language fell from 13% to 1%. This international dimension is reflected in the EU's Sixth Environmental Action Programme,[277] which recognises that its objectives can only be achieved if key international agreements are actively supported and properly implemented both at EU level and worldwide. [r], The direct effect and supremacy doctrines were not explicitly set out in the European Treaties but were developed by the Court of Justice itself over the 1960s, apparently under the influence of its then most influential judge, Frenchman Robert Lecourt[170]. [303], Sport is mainly the responsibility of the member states or other international organisations, rather than of the EU. Cependant, cela ne signifie pas que l'intégralité de leur territoires en font également partie. Of the top 500 largest corporations in the world measured by revenue in 2010, 161 had their headquarters in the EU. [260], The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the long lasting policies of the European Community. To prevent the joining states from getting into financial trouble or crisis after entering the monetary union, they were obliged in the Maastricht treaty to fulfil important financial obligations and procedures, especially to show budgetary discipline and a high degree of sustainable economic convergence, as well as to avoid excessive government deficits and limit the government debt to a sustainable level. The Galileo project was launched partly to reduce the EU's dependency on the US-operated Global Positioning System, but also to give more complete global coverage and allow for greater accuracy, given the aged nature of the GPS system. Les code des douanes communautaire (puis de l'Union européenne) sont la codification des normes fixant et définissant la législation applicable aux importations et exportations de marchandises entre la CEE (puis l'UE) et les pays tiers. When European countries started to cooperate economically in 1951, only Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands participated. Languages in the European Union", "Cyprus asks to make Turkish an EU language", Proposal for an ACT OF ADAPTATION OF THE TERMS OF ACCESSION OF THE UNITED CYPRUS REPUBLIC TO THE EUROPEAN UNION, "MEPs push for EU recognition of Catalan, Welsh languages", "Committee of Ministers – European Year of Languages Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1539", "Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union", "Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union", "EU celebrates 50th birthday-with a row about religion", "Answers – The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions", "Accession criteria (Copenhagen criteria)", "European Commission – Enlargement – Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries", "Iceland's EU bid is over, commission told", "Mont Blanc shrinks by 45 cm (17.72 in) in two years", "Urban sprawl in Europe: The ignored challenge, European Environmental Agency", "Europe's overseas territories: What you need to know", "EU Library Briefing:Lobbying the EU institutions", "Institutional affairs: Council of the European Union", "Institutions: The Council of the European Union", "MEPs must be elected on the basis of proportional representation, the threshold must not exceed 5%, and the electoral area may be subdivided in constituencies if this will not generally affect the proportional nature of the voting system", "European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Q&A on Interinstitutional Agreement on Budgetary Discipline and Sound Financial Management 2007-2013", "Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union", "European auditors point to errors but sign off EU's accounts – some UK media decline to listen to what the auditors say", "Annual Report of the Court of Auditors on the implementation of the budget concerning the financial year 2009, together with the institutions' replies", "Protection of the European Union's financial interests – Fight against fraud – Annual Report 2009 (, "Hungary and Poland block EU coronavirus recovery package", "EU budget blocked by Hungary and Poland over rule of law issue", Title I of Part I of the consolidated Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, "The Legal Personality of the European Union", United Nations Convention against Corruption, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, "Article 19 of the Treaty on European Union", Article 2, Treaty on European Union (consolidated 1 December 2009), "Respect for fundamental rights in the EU – general development", "Europe Unveils New Sanctions Plan for Human Rights Violations", "Emily O'Reilly re-elected European Ombudsman | News | European Parliament", "European arrest warrant replaces extradition between EU Member States", "Jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and in matters of parental responsibility (Brussels II)", "Minimum standards on the reception of applicants for asylum in Member States", "European police office now in full swing", "Eurojust coordinating cross-border prosecutions at EU level", "Qualified-Majority Voting: Common commercial policy", EU states envisage new foreign policy giant, "European External Action Service gives Europe voice on world stage", "Swiss to vote on whether to end free movement deal with EU", "Large majority of Swiss reject bid to rein in immigration from EU, says exit poll", "The EU 'neutrals,' the CFSP and defence policy", "Statement of the Presidency of the Permanent Council of the WEU", Military spending saw biggest increase in a decade in 2019. ), Frankfurt Rhine-Main (Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz et al. The Council focused primarily on values—human rights and democracy—rather than on economic or trade issues, and was always envisaged as a forum where sovereign governments could choose to work together, with no supra-national authority. – discuss], In the oriental parts of the continent, the Russian Tsardom, and ultimately the Empire (1547–1917), declared Moscow to be Third Rome and inheritor of the Eastern tradition after the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The distribution of competences in various policy areas between Member States and the Union is divided in the following three categories: The EU is based on a series of treaties. The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty—whose main architects were Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand—came into force on 1 November 1993. It acts externally as a "collective head of state" and ratifies important documents (for example, international agreements and treaties).[142]. These included the Working Time Directive and the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive. The 27 Commissioners as a single body are subject to approval (or otherwise) by vote of the European Parliament. The creation of a European single currency became an official objective of the European Economic Community in 1969. [u] The Lisbon Treaty and Protocol 14 to the ECHR have changed this: the former binds the EU to accede to the convention while the latter formally permits it. To dispose of surplus stores, they were often sold on the world market at prices considerably below Community guaranteed prices, or farmers were offered subsidies (amounting to the difference between the Community and world prices) to export their products outside the Community. [261] The policy has the objectives of increasing agricultural production, providing certainty in food supplies, ensuring a high quality of life for farmers, stabilising markets, and ensuring reasonable prices for consumers. This required the lowering of administrative formalities and recognition of professional qualifications of other states.[243]. The Parliament is the final body to approve or reject the proposed membership of the commission, and can attempt motions of censure on the commission by appeal to the Court of Justice. [194] The CFSP requires unanimity among the member states on the appropriate policy to follow on any particular issue. [70] In 1995, Austria, Finland, and Sweden joined the EU. [104] The three official alphabets of the European Union (Cyrillic, Latin, and modern Greek) all derive from the Archaic Greek scripts. [274] To that end, a number of efforts were made to increase the EU's military capability, notably the Helsinki Headline Goal process. These programmes are designed to encourage a wider knowledge of other countries and to spread good practices in the education and training fields across the EU. [305] This followed lobbying by governing organisations such as the International Olympic Committee and FIFA, due to objections over the application of free market principles to sport, which led to an increasing gap between rich and poor clubs. [258] The Polish road network was upgraded such as the A4 autostrada. The free movement of services and of establishment allows self-employed persons to move between member states to provide services on a temporary or permanent basis. It elects the commission's president, must approve the College of Commissioners, and may vote to remove them collectively from office. Before this, three territories of member states had left the EU or its forerunners. [e] This political philosophy of a supra-national rule over the continent, similar to the example of the ancient Roman Empire, resulted in the early Middle Ages in the concept of a renovatio imperii ("restoration of the empire"),[28] either in the forms of the Reichsidee ("imperial idea")[29] or the religiously inspired Imperium Christianum ("christian empire"). The Court of Justice primarily deals with cases taken by member states, the institutions, and cases referred to it by the courts of member states. These were intervention stores of products bought up by the Community to maintain minimum price levels. Its powers are limited in areas where member states' view sovereignty to be of primary concern (i.e. The difference between the richest and poorest regions (281 NUTS-2 regions of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) ranged, in 2017, from 31% (Severozapaden, Bulgaria) of the EU28 average (€30,000) to 253% (Luxembourg), or from €4,600 to €92,600. Laws made by the EU institutions are passed in a variety of forms. Later that year, Slovenia adopted the euro,[71] followed by Cyprus and Malta in 2008, Slovakia in 2009, Estonia in 2011, Latvia in 2014, and Lithuania in 2015. Housing, youth, childhood, Functional diversity or elderly care are supportive competencies of the European Union and can be financed by the European Social Fund. [108][109] The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages ratified by most EU states provides general guidelines that states can follow to protect their linguistic heritage. It is more integrated than a traditional confederation of states because the general level of government widely employs qualified majority voting in some decision-making among the member states, rather than relying exclusively on unanimity. In 1999 the currency union started, first as an accounting currency with eleven member states joining. One of the 27 is the President of the European Commission (Ursula von der Leyen for 2019–2024), appointed by the European Council, subject to the Parliament's approval. [o] The EU's highest peak is Mont Blanc in the Graian Alps, 4,810.45 metres (15,782 ft) above sea level. Today, around 340 million citizens in 19 countries live in the euro area. The overall life expectancy in the EU in 2018 was 81.0 years, higher than the World average of 72.6 years. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Routledge. These legislative instruments are dealt with in more detail. In 1929, the latter gave a speech in favour of a European Union before the assembly of the League of Nations, precursor of the United Nations. [123] Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are officially recognised as potential candidates,[122] with Bosnia and Herzegovina having submitted a membership application. [307], The flag used is the Flag of Europe, which consists of a circle of 12 golden stars on a blue background. The average annual net earnings in the European Union was around €24,000 (US$30,000)[239] in 2015. The European Court of Auditors has signed off the European Union accounts every year since 2007 and, while making it clear that the European Commission has more work to do, has highlighted that most of the errors take place at national level. [152], In the ordinary legislative procedure, the European Commission proposes legislation, which requires the joint approval of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to pass. [181], The European Ombudsman was established by the Maastricht Treaty. There are some EU policies that have affected sport, such as the free movement of workers, which was at the core of the Bosman ruling that prohibited national football leagues from imposing quotas on foreign players with European citizenship. L'union douanière fut la première mission de la Communauté économique européenne, établie en 1958. [228], The European Union Association Agreement does something similar for a much larger range of countries, partly as a so-called soft approach ('a carrot instead of a stick') to influence the politics in those countries. While services account for 60–70% of GDP, legislation in the area is not as developed as in other areas. To slow down the spread of coronavirus and protect the health and well-being of all Europeans, some travel restrictions have been necessary. [117] The countries where the fewest people reported a religious belief were Estonia (16%) and the Czech Republic (19%). There is a strong dependence on Russian energy that the EU has been attempting to reduce. [157] "Rural development, environment and fisheries" takes up around 11%. Lobbying at EU level by special interest groups is regulated to try to balance the aspirations of private initiatives with public interest decision-making process.[140]. [86] 2.4 million immigrants from non-EU countries entered the EU in 2017. [293][294][295], The EU has some of the highest levels of life expectancy in the world, with Spain, Italy, Sweden, France, Malta, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Greece all among the world's top 20 countries with the highest life expectancy. pp. [79], As of 1 February 2020[update], the population of the European Union was about 447 million people (5.8% of the world population). The original members of what came to be known as the European Communities were the Inner Six: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. The anthem was adopted by European Community leaders in 1985 and has since been played on official occasions. Abolition of the death penalty is a condition for EU membership. The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. RÈGLEMENT DÉLÉGUÉ (UE) 2015/2446 DE LA COMMISSION. Notwithstanding its different configurations, it is considered to be one single body. [251], The EU has had legislative power in the area of energy policy for most of its existence; this has its roots in the original European Coal and Steel Community. [213], The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department, or "ECHO", provides humanitarian aid from the EU to developing countries. [317], Media freedom is a fundamental right that applies to all member states of the European Union and its citizens, as defined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as well as the European Convention on Human Rights. It consists of a government minister from each member state and meets in different compositions depending on the policy area being addressed. [324] According to a 2019 study of the member states who joined from 1973 to 2004, "without European integration, per capita incomes would have been, on average, approximately 10% lower in the first ten years after joining the EU. Different legislative procedures are used within the same category of competence, and even with the same policy area. [49] In a radio address in March 1943, with war still raging, Britain's leader Sir Winston Churchill spoke warmly of "restoring the true greatness of Europe" once victory had been achieved, and mused on the post-war creation of a "Council of Europe" which would bring the European nations together to build peace. Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km 2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi) and an estimated total population of about 447 million. [p] Directives require member states to achieve a certain result while leaving them discretion as to how to achieve the result. There is a significant variation in Nominal GDP per capita within individual EU states. [124] Half the trade in the EU is covered by legislation harmonised by the EU.[241]. [78] The UK formally notified the European Council of its decision to leave on 29 March 2017, initiating the formal withdrawal procedure for leaving the EU; following extensions to the process, the UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020, though most areas of EU law continued to apply to the UK for a transition period which lasted until 23:00 GMT on 31 December 2020. [160][161] In their report on 2009 the auditors found that five areas of Union expenditure, agriculture and the cohesion fund, were materially affected by error.
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